George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Following the meetings in Washington DC (2009), Belgirate (2011), Kinsale (2013) , Istanbul (2015) and Madrid (2017) the sixth symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk (GDRR), will be organised in Washington DC by the George Washington University. Please click the following links for special issues from previous symposiums. GDRR 2015, GDRR 2011, GDRR 2009
The objective of the symposium is to present novel uses of Game and Decision theory in reliability and risk analysis and bring together researchers from diverse disciplines such as Economics, Engineering, Finance, Mathematics, Medical sciences, Probability and Statistics who find themselves working with, and contributing to this theme.
All sessions at this symposium will be plenary, with a mix of invited and contributed talks.
The symposium will take place in George Washington University's Duques Hall,
2201 G St NW, Washington, DC.
Program Committee:
- David Banks, Duke University, US
- Antonio Pievatolo, CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy
- David Rios- Insua, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain
- Fabrizio Ruggeri, CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy
- Refik Soyer, George Washington University, US (Chair)
- Simon Wilson, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Program Committee:
David Banks
Duke University, US -
Antonio Pievatolo
CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy -
David Rios- Insua,
ICMATI, Madrid, Spain -
Fabrizio Ruggeri,
CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy -
Refik Soyer (Chair),
George Washington University, US -
Simon Wilson,
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
More information:
- Registration
- Since the number of Symposium participants is limited to 60, participants are recommended to register as soon as possible
- Abstract Submission
- People interested in presenting a contributed paper are kindly invited to send an abstract
by March 15th, 2019 to - Invited speakers
- Accomodation Details
- Travel Information
- Conference Programme
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